ARMS Restore logo


July 25, 2023

New Logo Release!

ARMS Restore logoWe are very excited to release our brand-new ARMS Restore logo! After a lot of hard work and tedious reviewing, we have created a logo that we feel represents every aspect of the ARMS Restore project. We want to especially thank Megumi Kirby, a student at Harvard University, for taking all of our ideas and putting them into an amazing design.

 In this logo, we see not only the representation of the coral reefs and fish that are the basis of the project, but also the ARMS Restore device and the presence that we as humans play in the project. We hope to restore coral reefs and fish diversity through the use of ARMS devices and thus better the human life that relies on these ecosystems. 

Keep an eye out for this logo on our many social media channels to stay up to date on the ARMS Restore project!